
Peer-reviewed journal articles

Forthcoming: ‘”Common Informality”: Aesthetics, Renomination, Philology’, liquid blackness, 6.1 (2022), special issue on ‘Aesthetics’.

‘“Not there at all”: Criticism and its Concept in Walter Benjamin’s Doctoral Dissertation’European Romantic Review, 33.1 (2022), 43-65.

‘“Strange and Almost Killing”: The Feeling of Life in Walter Benjamin’s Study of Friedrich Hölderlin’, MLN (Modern Language Notes), 135.3 (April 2020), 770-794.

Book chapters

‘The Artefact of Losing: On the (Bio)poetics of Miscarriage’ (co-authored with Helen Charman), The Body Productive: Rethinking Capitalism, Work and the Body, edited by Steffan Blayney, Joey Hornsby and Savannah Whaley (London: Zed Books, forthcoming).

‘Reading Surfaces: Goethe and Benjamin’, in Anti/Idealism: Re-interpreting a German Discourse, ed. by Juliana de Albuquerque and Gert Hofmann (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019), pp. 69-86.

Academic review essays

‘“The Ends of Homo Sacer.” A review of a Roundtable discussion on the work of Giorgio Agamben’, Postmodern Culture, 25.3 (May 2015)

Reviews and other writing

Hobbyhorses: On Maggie Nelson’ (review of Maggie Nelson, On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint), MAP magazine (2022).

‘Anti-Semitism and the Force of Discourse’ (on Judith Butler), Verso blog (2019).

‘All issues are political issues’ (review of Sarah Lowndes, All Art is Political: Writings on Performative Art), Review 31 (2014).