

My article, ‘”Common informality”: Aesthetics, Renomination, Philology’, has been published in liquid blackness.

I wrote an essay, entitled ‘Not this, not that’, for Counterflows on Paper, the zine published as part of Counterflows music festival, which takes place in Glasgow in March-April 2022.

My article, ‘”Not there at all”: Criticism and Its Concept in Walter Benjamin’s Doctoral Dissertation’, has been published in European Romantic Review.


My review of Maggie Nelson’s On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint was published in MAP magazine.

On April 15th (6pm-7.30pm GMT), I’m looking forward to speaking with Samantha Rose Hill (Hannah Arendt Center) and John Paul Ricco (University of Toronto) as part of the English Association’s Loneliness and Technology network. Details and free registration information can be found here.

I’m looking forward to teaching on ‘Writing and Text’, a spring term English Literature module at the University of Glasgow.

In January 2021, I’m facilitating two workshops for students pursuing the ‘Access to Humanities’ and ‘Pathways to Humanities’ programmes at Glasgow Kelvin College. These programmes are developed by SWAP (the Scottish Wider Access Programme), which supports access to higher education for adult learners in Scotland.


Helen Charman and I have co-written a book chapter, ‘”The Artefact of Losing”: The (Bio)poetics of Miscarriage’. The chapter will appear in The Body Productive: Rethinking Work, Capitalism & the Body (edited by Steffan Blayney, Joey Hornsby and Savannah Whaley), which will be published by Zed Books.

My article ‘”Strange and Almost Killing”: The Feeling of Life in Walter Benjamin’s Study of Friedrich Hölderlin’ has been published in the April 2020 German Issue of MLN (Modern Language Notes). The issue celebrates the 250th anniversary of Hölderlin’s birth and the 100th anniversary of Paul Celan’s.


‘Reading Surfaces: Goethe and Benjamin’, a book chapter developed from a conference paper delivered at University College Cork, has been published in Anti/Idealism: Re-interpreting a German Discourse (Berlin: De Gruyter), edited by Juliana de Albuquerque and Gert Hofmann.